DIY Facebook Retargeting Part III – Targeting Your Audience

Target the New Audience with an Ad

Now that you’ve created your custom website audience, it’s time to target those people with a specific ad. It’s a good idea to use an ad that is specifically geared toward the audience you just set up instead of just using your standard ad.

For example, if you set up a rule that targets people who have visited your Shoes category, you can target shoes specifically rather than a generic clothing ad.

Alright, let’s get that ad set up.

Step One: Visit the Ads Manager


Step Two: Choose your Objective

This will take you to the ads creation page, allowing you to set up the ad that will match your rule set.

Step Three: Scroll to the Audience Section & Choose the Audience   

The audience section will allow you to choose Custom Audience in the form field. Here, you will enter the Custom Audience you’d like to use.

Step Four: Create your Ad

Now just set up your ad as you would any other Facebook ad!

Alternatively, you can use the Power Editor to create the ad.

Step One: Visit the Power Editor Page


Step Two: Click Create Ad

Step Three: Select the Custom Audience

Under the Audience section, just choose the Custom Audience you’d like to use.

Step Four: Finish the Ad

Now just proceed as usual to set up the ad, as you want it.

That’s really all there is to it. It’s a lot easier than you might think to set up a retargeting campaign, and it’s definitely worth any effort you put into it. Remember, as with all ads, the more specific you are targeting, the more effective each ad will be.

Here is a guide on planning custom audiences that will help you learn more about setting them up:


Next article wraps this up.

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